支持 & 服务


作为我们研究承诺的一部分, 教学与创意奖学金, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 和 档案 offers a series of Academic 支持 服务 from research appointments 和 consultations to instructions sessions 和 tours. Our Fee-Based 服务 include duplication, publication, 和 distance research requests.




特殊的集合 和 档案 materials are available for research by students, 工作人员, 和老师, 公众也是如此.

我们强烈建议提前1周安排研究预约. Walk-ins may be accommodated depending on the materials requested 和 the availability of 工作人员 to fulfill the request.

使用 加州在线档案(OAC) to browse collection guides of all the available collections at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.

如需预约,请填写 研究任命申请.

Once your request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email within 2-3 business days. 并非所有请求都得到保证. 研究访问确认取决于收集的状态。, 以及工作人员和阅览室的可用性.



获得深入的研究帮助, schedule a 研究咨询 for one-on-one or small group assistance with a 特殊的集合 Librarian.

All appointment requests should be made at least 1-week in advance as 研究咨询s cannot be guaranteed to walk-ins.

如需预约,请填写 研究谘询表格.


特殊的集合 和 档案 is located in the Palmer Wing of the University 图书馆, 2号楼, 2079房间.

请参阅 客人停车 for information about available lots, daily parking rates, 和 alternative transportation methods.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 is the first 和 only Los Angeles university with its own Metrolink station on campus, 1994年开业.


特殊的集合 和 档案 Librarians welcome the opportunity to collaborate with 教师 和 community groups. We focus on providing h和s-on learning experiences 和 developing skills in evaluating 和 using primary sources. We work with 教师 to develop course-specific projects 和 assignments that encourage student engagement with 特殊的集合 和 archival materials.

We are located in the Palmer Wing of the University 图书馆, 2号楼, 2079房间.


  • 特别馆藏简介 & 档案
  • 作业专用指令
  • 主要来源分析
  • 分配协商
  • 特殊的集合 & 档案之旅
  • 展览准备工作坊
Student assistants facilitating tours of the Reading Room 和 Peruvian Textiles collection.


帮我们准备班级参观, 我们要求至少提前三周通知,并填写一份完整的 指示申请表格.

After submitting your request, please allow 2-3 business days for confirmation.

The 特殊的集合 和 档案 Reading Room accommodates a maximum of 20 students at a time as we believe smaller class sessions are more conducive to an interactive 和 h和s-on experience. If your class is larger than 20 students, we are happy to schedule two separate sessions.

学生 analyze primary sources in class sessions tailored to their syllabus


特别收藏和档案阅览室是一个独特的, 混合空间向所有学生开放, 教师, 并对工作人员进行档案研究以及自主学习.


由于上课和特殊活动, 整个学期,阅览室可能会间歇性关闭. 我们将张贴相应的标志.

特殊的集合 Reading Room is open for independent study 和 features tables as well as soft seating.

加州州立大学洛杉矶特别收藏和档案馆由珍本书籍组成, 期刊, 数字, 档案收藏. 要浏览我们的收藏,请开始使用以下搜索工具:

  • 一个搜索 是一种直觉, central interface that provides access to print 和 数字 collections across all California State University (CSU) libraries. You can search for rare books 和 期刊 located in 特殊的集合 和 档案 by conducting an Advanced 搜索. 输入你的主题/关键词,然后点击搜索. On the left-h和 side, filter the location of results to "特殊的集合."
  • 加州在线档案(OAC) provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 200 contributing institutions including libraries, 特殊的集合, 档案, 历史的社会, 以及遍布加州的博物馆. Here you can browse collection guides of all the available collections at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.
  • 月神 is our asset management system 和 数字 repository that provides access to 数字 versions of 特殊的集合 和 档案 materials. Available collections are listed 和 can be browsed individually or a search can also be conducted across collections via keywords in the search box (top right-h和 corner) or by selecting a predetermined facet such as item type, 主题术语, 作者, 或一年.
  • Omeka is our 数字 exhibit which provides access to community collaborations 和 curated collections of archival materials.

进一步协助您的主要来源研究, 大学图书馆订阅了几个数据库 报纸/杂志主要来源.




请联系 (电子邮件保护) 询问我们的复制费用

  • 基本扫描请求 可否索取档案资料及珍本书籍的副本 这些文件仅供个人研究使用. The first 20 pages of every request are free of charge 和 fees will be charged for each page thereafter. The only exception to this policy is for copies of Theses 和 Dissertations which will be scanned in their entirety free of charge. 材料的副本将通过电子邮件以PDF格式提供.
  • 高质量扫描 是否以高分辨率扫描并提供给展品使用, 出版物, 视频, 显示, 等. These requests are contingent on the researcher securing permission from copyright holders if 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 和 档案 does not own the copyright. 可以通过电子邮件发送文件. You will be sent a link to download the images from a file transferring website known as WeTransfer.com.
  • 大型或超大物料 大于11x17英寸(i.e., posters 和 maps) are generally too big to be scanned utilizing the st和ard equipment therefore requests for reproductions often require extra setup 和 labor including time to prep the materials. 例如, a map that has been folded 和 stored f或一年s needs to be gently unfolded 和 flattened for a few days before scanning can occur. Fees for such reproductions will be charged based on the time it takes to complete the request.


任何希望从特别收藏中发表的研究人员 & 档案资料同意取得版权持有人的许可, 如果不是加州大学洛杉矶分校, 以及其他相关方的信息. 由于档案材料的性质, the researcher also agrees to accept responsibility for complying with legislation enacted to protect the creator's right to privacy.

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 查询我们的出版费用


Researchers who are unable to visit the 档案 in person may request SCA 工作人员 conduct research on their behalf.

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 查询我们的研究费用