Faculty Information


If you wish to request for assistance with connecting and working with community partners, please fill out survey.

Click or Scan the QR code below

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  1. Go to the Eagle Connect site for Cal State LA’s Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good at: http://volunteereasy.com/Site/eagleconnect#/

  2. On the upper left side of the Eagle Connect home page, click: REGISTER AS FACULTY

  3. Enter your campus email address and click: GO.  (Note: You also have the option to register through your social media account if you prefer.)

  4. Name and create a username and password for your Eagle Connect account. Click Next.

  5. Enter your Title, Primary Campus Department, Work Information, Work or Contact Phone, and Work Address. Click Next.

  6. Under CAUSES, click the causes you are interested in. Click Next.

  7. Under SKILLS, check the boxes next to the skills you are interested in utilizing. You may select entire categories or individual items. Click Next.

  8. Select or enter your CSL COURSE (community-based or service learning) course. Be sure to include your current semester’s course and course description. Click Next.

  9. Under AGREEMENTS, you may be required to sign agreements (e.g., photo release waiver, reliability release waver, etc.).

  10. Click REGISTER. You will receive a confirmation email containing the username and password that you set.


Faculty Resource Guide

Faculty Resource Guide

Faculty Resource Guilde for virutal community-engaged learning.